Esperanza Community Farms is a system-changing, sustainable community agriculture project focused on increasing food security and good health among families living in the Pajaro and Salinas Valleys, especially those from under-resourced communities. We cultivate fresh, pesticide-free, culturally preferred vegetables and fruit varieties, then deliver bi-weekly boxes of produce directly to members’ homes via a subsidized Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. We work within the regional arts ecosystem and partner with organizations who wish to work jointly to localize the food supply chain. The CSA along with the Farm-2-Cafeteria (F2C) project and our strategic partnerships with small local farmers-of-color via the 7 PLus Organics Coop work interdependently to realize our mission.


Promoting consumption of fresh and local organic produce, and economic justice in the Pajaro and Salinas Valley’s, by supplying sustainably farmed produce for families and partners, especially traditionally excluded people.


We envision a healthy, localized food system based on food sovereignty, work with dignity, and stewardship of the environment.

Are you interested in volunteering with Esperanza?

If you would like to volunteer, please email or call us: [email protected] or 831-854-8667

¡Consigue alimentos orgánicos con nosotros!

Get organic foods with us!

¿Te gustaría ser parte del programa CSA? 

Ser miembro, es muy fácil. Solo envíe un mensaje de texto al (831) 854-8667‬ solicitando información sobre las canastas de vegetales de nuestro programa CSA y nos comunicaremos con usted lo antes posible. Contamos con lugares limitados, por lo que le informaremos de nuestra disponibilidad y capacidad.

Si usted tiene apoyo EBT o asistencia que otorga el gobierno, también puede adquirir alimentos orgánicos. Envíenos un correo electrónico a [email protected] para conocer más detalles

Would you like to be part of the CSA program?

Becoming a member is very easy. Text (831) 854-8667 to request information about our CSA program’s vegetable baskets, and we will respond as soon as possible. We have limited spaces. We will inform you of the program’s availability and capacity for additional members.

If you receive EBT you can also obtain organic produce boxes. Email us at [email protected] for more details.