Descubre las maravillas de una finca de vegetales. Sal de casa y disfruta el aire libre. Ofrecemos eventos públicos para compartir el poder transformativo de las prácticas orgánicas en la agricultura y el profundo impacto de la agricultura orgánica en el medio ambiente natural.
Get involved in the wonders of a vegetable farm Leave your house and enjoy the outdoors. We offer public events to share the transformative power of organic farming practices and the profound impact of regenerative agriculture on the natural environment.
Programa de Agricultura Sostenible a través de Educación en Acción (PASEA)

We will be offering the organic and locally sourced Farm 2 Cafeteria salads for attendees to enjoy!
Join us on March 25 at @CabrilloCollege (HORT 5005, Aptos) for a powerful celebration of youth changemakers! The @WatsonvilleFilmFestival presents a compelling series created by local emerging filmmakers, sparking awareness and meaningful discussions on pesticide use in our community.
We’re excited to partner with #GardenVarietyCheese to offer a delicious cheese and meat option to complement the #salads.
Dia De Esperaza Community Festival 2024
Dia de Esperanza Community Festival – Sunday, June 16, at the Land Trust of Santa Cruz grounds next to Esperanza Community Farms.

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